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The Children’s Intuitive Development Program

Join us in a program that helps you teach your children how to become empowered, intuitive, spiritually gifted beings. If you identify as an energetic being having an earthly experience and you want to help your child along this journey – this program is for YOU!

And because you’ve made the time to take the QUIZ I’d love to give you a special offer! Early Bird Pricing is available NOW before that timer gets to zero!


Who is teaching this program?

You, the parent, will be the guide, guiding your child(ren) along the learnings within the program.

Who is this program for?

 It’s for parents and children. Ideally children between ages 5 and up.

Is the Program for Children under age 5?

No. When children are below the age of five it’s important for you to guide their exploration of the world and be open to anything they want to share or show you. This is the age where children reveal their natural gifts and their intuitive abilities without any required guidance. Let your child know that nothing is weird and everything is open for sharing and discussion.

How long will the Program take to finish?

8 Learnings (lessons) plus two more sessions (Intro and Final). It takes a week for each Learning. This makes a total of 10 weeks! But please know that you can do these lessons on your own time.

What are the benefits for my and my child to do this together?

Deepening relationship with you and your child in recognizing each other as intelligent energy beings with surprising abilities.

How can we stick to the course and finish it?

Prepare a poster or a wall near your space. Decorate it with stickers, magazine cut outs, or write special words that make you think of this journey together. Put up the weekly PDF to remind you of the learning you’re both doing. Check in everyday and share your experiences.

What is included in each Lesson?

There are 3 components in each module. The lesson (called the Learning), an experiment or activity (called the Divine Practice), and meditations (called Imagination Field Trip). For each module there is a PDF download to put on your fridge or calm practice space to remind you of your exploration together. 

We will have a weekly zoom call and go live to share our experinces and deep dive on the topic. All Zoom sessions are recorded!

Can I listen to the meditation track anytime?

It is best to listen to the Imagination Field Trip tracks at bedtime together. But if you prefer to start with this listening practice in the morning together be sure to make it a habit to listen everyday – at the same time everyday. Make sure you share your experiences afterwards! Sometimes we can fall asleep. That is normal and you can listen together again anytime.

How can I get my children interested and engaged?

Make a special space in your home (corner of a room, closet, under the dining room table) and be creative. Use colourful blankets, throw pillows, posters, scarves to decorate your special space. Ask your child(ren) to bring 1 thing that is special to them to this space. Go to this space everyday and be together, use singing bowls or bells to clear stagnant energies. Get some battery operated candles and turn them on. Spray some essential oil around and take deep breaths. Let the journey begin!

How can I share our experiences with like-minded families?

When you register for the course you will be emailed an invitation to the private facebook group The Children’s Intuitive Development Program on facebook. There you can share the experiences of your journey with your child with other like-minded parents.

Hurry! Time is almost up!